Having an appealing and well-maintained HOA community can draw new people to the association. Also, homeowners who invest resources into their houses can be prouder for living in a community with well-managed property. When board members beautify the HOA, they must keep community curb appeal into account. Exterior improvements make sure that every resident has a positive and lasting impression of the HOA. When it comes to improvement projects, HOAs can rely on the expertise and connections of glendale hoa management companies. These companies can find the right contractors and vendors for an HOA, helping them save money, time, and energy while maximizing efficiency. To boost the curb appeal of an HOA community, the tips below should be considered:

Ensuring Regular Landscaping Maintenance

Maintaining landscaping regularly is essential in keeping community curb appeal. Vibrant flowers, freshly-cut grass, and well-groomed trees and bushes can give a community a warm and welcoming vibe. Possible homeowners are impressed whenever they see an attractive and well-maintained community. Also, residents will enjoy being a member of the community. 

Keeping Surfaces Clean

Dirt and grime accumulate on surfaces eventually. To maintain a community’s curb appeal, walkways, concrete walls, and porches must be power-washed regularly. This can make the structures look new, improving community curb appeal. 

Repainting Amenities

Amenities in HOA communities like clubhouses, playgrounds, and community centers are often repainted every five to ten years. But if the structures look worse for wear and paint is peeling off the walls, a repainting project should be initiated. 

As homeowners see the façade first, adding a new coat of paint can improve the appearance of shared spaces. Also, repainting exterior elements such as downspouts and roof shingles shutters can help improve curb appeal. 

Making Cosmetic Upgrades

These upgrades can enhance the curb appeal of a community without spending too much money. Simple touches like brass house numbers, permanent planters, front door décor, and solar street lights can make a difference in the overall look of a community. With cosmetic upgrades, older buildings can have a more modern look. 

Hiring Third-Party Service Providers

An HOA community needs to work with third-party vendors or service providers to complete their projects and maximize community development or improvement. These providers include landscapers, contractors, security, and architects. A community that initiates projects to improve its curb appeal on a limited project can let its HOA manager determine areas that need to be prioritized. Also, the manager can help break improvement projects into smaller portions, offering the board more cost allowance. 

By grace